About the Journal

Focus and Scope

iProceedings papers or extended abstracts are published under an Open Acccess license in collaboration with workshops or leading conferences in the field of ehealth/mhealth and other topics (such as the Connected Health Symposium). Submission and publication is usually free for authors, but this depends on the kind of partnership JMIR/iproc has with the respective conference organizers. The usual agreement is that JMIR handles the peer-review and pubication process in exchange for exposure at the conference (being named as media sponsor, JMIR booth at conference) plus some cost reimbursement from the conference organizer. Usually, there are no costs for authors (in addition to conference registration fees). 

If you are a conference organizer or conference chair running a leading medical or technology conference, and wish to outsource the submission and peer-reviewing process, or are interested in hosting a virtual poster show or wish to publish electronic proceedings, or if you are looking for a permanent and open dissemination venue for presentations at your conference, please contact us to discuss partnership options. Starting in 2017, we will also accept individual submissions from researchers who wish to disseminate their poster presented at a major peer-reviewed conference.

=== Published by JMIR Publications, publisher of the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), the leading eHealth/mHealth journal (Impact Factor 2018: 4.945) ===