Published on in Vol 2, No 1 (2016): December

Developing and Implementing an Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Using REDCap in Usual Care Psychiatric Settings

Developing and Implementing an Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Using REDCap in Usual Care Psychiatric Settings

Developing and Implementing an Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Using REDCap in Usual Care Psychiatric Settings

Authors of this article:

Alisa Busch1, 2 Author Orcid Image ;   Andrew Laband1 Author Orcid Image ;   Alex Kos1 Author Orcid Image ;   Thomas Weigel1 Author Orcid Image


  1. Wong S, Duffy L, Layfield S, Long M, Rodriguez-Villa F, Gelda S, Gelwan E, Sugarman D, Busch A, Eisen J, Ressler K, Yip A. Using electronic patient-reported measures to characterize symptoms and improvement in inpatient psychiatric units. Psychiatry Research 2022;317:114839 View