Defining Influenza Baseline and Threshold Values Using Surveillance Data - Egypt, Season 2016-17

Defining Influenza Baseline and Threshold Values Using Surveillance Data - Egypt, Season 2016-17

Defining Influenza Baseline and Threshold Values Using Surveillance Data - Egypt, Season 2016-17


  1. Fahim M, Abu ElSood H, AbdElGawad B, Deghedy O, Naguib A, Roshdy W, Showky S, Kamel R, Elguindy N, Abdel Fattah M, Afifi S, Kandeel A, Abdelghaffar K. Adapting an integrated acute respiratory infections sentinel surveillance to the COVID-19 pandemic requirements, Egypt, 2020–2022. Public Health in Practice 2023;5:100358 View