Published on in Vol 4, No 2 (2018): CHC18

A Two-Arm Randomized Pilot Study to Evaluate the Impact of a Mobile Health App on Quality of Life in Patients on Oral Anti-Cancer Medications

A Two-Arm Randomized Pilot Study to Evaluate the Impact of a Mobile Health App on Quality of Life in Patients on Oral Anti-Cancer Medications

A Two-Arm Randomized Pilot Study to Evaluate the Impact of a Mobile Health App on Quality of Life in Patients on Oral Anti-Cancer Medications

Nils Fischer   1, 2 ;   Stephen Agboola   1, 2 ;   Ramya Palacholla   1, 2 ;   Mursal Atif   1 ;   Joseph Kvedar   1, 2 ;   Kamal Jethwani   1, 2

1 Partners Healthcare, Partners Connected Health, Boston, MA, United States

2 Harvard Medical School, Bostonn, MA, United States

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